Keith Harkin 2017.

So its been a hot minute since I’ve done any sort of blog post…I am sorry. Weddings, travel, back injuries galore, ya its been a tad hectic around here. But for those of you who have stuck with me I have one seriously fun post!

I had the pleasure of getting to see Keith Harkin in concert yet again. Basically if the guy is in town I am trying my darnedest to go see him. Essentially the only time I’m not there in the audience blown away by his talent is if I absolutely could not miss work. That’s just about the only thing that’ll keep me away.

I never tire of seeing Keith, because he is the musical equivalent of fine wine, he gets better with age. I had a particularly wonderful time at his last concert in Dallas at the historic Poor David’s Pub. Keith has really honed his style and is uniquely himself, a true artist’s artist. He cares about his music, he’s not out to please people and do what’s popular at the moment. His evolution of art is not to keep up with others but to nurture his own individual voice both literally and figuratively.

Please tell me I’m not the only one getting serious Stevie Ray Vaughn vibes here.

I cannot encourage you enough to check out this class act. Keith is by far one of my favorite artists out there. He manages to bring all demographics together with his art, music that everyone from the grandest babies to the greatest grandparents can enjoy. True art is timeless and knows no boundaries, this is something Mr Harkin truly exhibits. You can find more info, buy merch, etc through his website and be sure to follow him through his twitter and instagram

Music Monday: Keith Harkin Band

So it took me absolute ages to post this feature…I’m sorry but vacations, sickness, and just the fact that I took a ton of pictures meant I had my work cut out for me. I swear all of my posts these day’s begin with an excuse…shame on me. Anyway back in December I had the great pleasure of attending a Keith Harkin Band gig, yep that’s right a Keith Harking BAND! I’ve seen Keith perform many a times and I am always blown away by his artistry and musicality, but oh my goodness to experience the kind of energy that is brought to the stage when there is a full band is nothing short of AMAZING! I had such an incredible time and I’m sure you can tell from the pictures everyone else was too! 9307



















If you weren’t fortunate enough to catch Keith at Poor Davids back in December fret not because he’s coming back March 18th and you can reserve your tickets here if you’re not able to make the gig might I suggest purchasing Keith’s LONG AWAITED SECOND ALBUM: On Mercy Street Here. Every song is so raw and honest you feel as if you have your own private show with Keith right there. I hope that you all enjoyed the pictures and that you all continue to support true artists like these lads here! Cheers!


Merry Keithmas.

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Boy oh boy are you guys in for a treat.

The Sunday before last I had the great pleasure of seeing the incomparable Dave Bakey and Keith Harkin in concert at Poor Davids Pub. You may be asking yourself why is this good news for you? Well I didn’t go to the concert by myself, my wildly talented photographer friend Amanda of James Seip Photography came with and took PHENOMENAL pictures of the gig. Seriously this girl is  a photography God! Bow down to her greatness!

KEITH-5125These guys were my last concert of 2014 (as far as I know none of my other bands are coming back through Dallas in the next few days) and what a way to cap off the year. Honestly there is nothing I enjoy more than going to gigs, I may have zero musical talents of my own but being surrounded by incredible music and real musicians is my idea of heaven on earth.

KEITH-5209*angelic lighting for heaven on earth reference*

I know I say this every time guys, but seriously this show was even better than the last. Keith is a real artists’ artist, his vocals are nothing short of amazing, his stage presence is undeniable, and his lyrics are pure genius, and Dave, well where does one even begin with Dave? Dave is hand to God one of the most incredible guitarists I’ve ever had to good fortune to hear. So when he’s inducted into the rock n roll hall of fame just remember I called that one coming from a mile away 😉KEITH-5085KEITH-5112KEITH-5353KEITH-5404KEITH-5253Awe that smile. Now if you were unable to see Keith this year fret not, because tomorrow he is having an online gig on Stageit that everyone is invited to attend. So if you need a last minute gift idea, or to make up for buying a not so well received gift, or want to buy yourself something nice simply buy a ticket to the best online concert ever. Also be on the look out for Keith’s second album next year. Anyone who listens to this gentleman’s music has been excited for the long awaited second album…but I don’t know that anyone’s more excited than Keith himself.


Clearly excited 😉 and with good reason. After an er… um…less than ideal experience with a record label, Keith found he works much better without restraints and busted out to produce an album that is 100% him, and I for one could not be more thrilled by this. You cannot put this man’s talent into an “appeal to the masses water down your artistry kind of box”. So let’s stick it to the record labels and buy the hell out of Keith’s album the minute it drops, ok?


KEITH-5051KEITH-5330KEITH-4981KEITH-5195KEITH-5094KEITH-5624Again I want to extend a huge thank you to my dear friend Amanda for taking such incredible photos, to everyone at Poor Davids for being total sweethearts, and to Dave and Keith for filling our lives with incredible music and joy. I’m very excited to see what this next year holds in store for you both. Come back to Dallas soon!

the gangMerry Christmas and Happy New Years! XOXO

Keith Harkin at Poor Davids

Hello all! Today’s post is all about my fabulous Saturday night. I was fortunate to attend/handle merch at Poor Davids Pub for the Keith Harkin gig, and man it just never gets old…I look forward to every gig of Keith’s like its the first time, and when its all over I leave even happier than the last.

Fortunately this go around I was actually able to step away from the merch table for a bit and snap a couple of pics of the opening act, Phoebe Hunt and Connor Forsyth. All I can say is wow! The amount of style and artistry they brought to each song was astounding. Both are phenomenal writers Connor is master of the keys and Phoebe’s voice is the kind of voice that you would want to have singing the soundtrack of your life. The depth, soul, and incredible variety this lady displays is absolutely mind blowing, not only does she have the voice of an Americana bluesy gypsy angel she can tear it up on the fiddle as well as the guitar. Can you tell I have a bit of a girl crush working? This duo is musical perfection and I implore you to see them live. Keep up to date with Phoebe and Connor through 03300303

Odds are if you’re a regular here on my blog you know my love for Keith Harkin’s music. If this guy is in town I go to his show, simple as that. Keith is not to be missed. I am constantly in awe of this gentleman, his vocals are so strong and invoke so much emotion, his skills as a song writer are incomparable, and his ability to merely play the guitar in such a way you’d swear he was playing with a full band is just outstanding.  I’ve been pretty blessed in my concert outings and have see many a highly skilled artists, but I can truly say Keith still stands out as one of the most talented acts I’ve ever seen. The man doesn’t hold back, he pours his heart and soul into everything he does and it so evident in his music. The crowd, setting, and how tired this weary traveler is have no bearing on his performance he truly lays it all out there and its pretty magical to experience firsthand. If you’re fortunate enough to live somewhere Keith has a gig you really HAVE TO GO! Keep up to date with this phenomenal guy through his website and his various social media platforms (facebook, twitter, and instagram )

As always Keith absolutely killed it, and was kind enough to play several of his new songs. Just when I think this guy cannot get any better he does, the new songs are just out of this world amazing and have me chomping at the bit for his next album…which according to Keith shouldn’t be too far off now. YAY! So now more than ever is the time to hop onto the Harkin bandwagon because I know he’s only going to continue to grow stronger and stronger as an artist, which is really saying something because this guy has Herculean musical strengths 😉
038904340522describing his parents’ “domestic bliss” 😉
042604430527Everytime this guy plays he shares his soul and its just beautiful.04480356040605150492 (2)0462

This guy is the best and that’s all there is to it.IMG_0555

Now here are some pics my sister snapped of me working the merch table…and amazingly I don’t look as lazy as last time 😉
IMG_05650563See I’m even grabbing shirts here!562Of course it wasn’t all hard work though haha 😉

I had such a wonderful time and want to thank everyone of you who came out to show your support, and an extra thank you to those of you who had to put up with me selling merch again. I really hope you all enjoyed this post and that you show these multi-talented musicians your love because they really deserve it. Happy Wednesday.

Keith Harkin at Poor Davids Pub

On Saturday I had the great pleasure of seeing Keith Harkin perform at the awesome venue that is Poor Davids Pub. If you aren’t familiar with Mr Harkin I demand you remedy that this instant! The blog can wait So good right? Well let me tell you this Keith is just as amazing (if not more so) live as he is recorded. Keith’s talent feels of a different time, like back when musicians were musician, not just people with the right connections, and is it any wonder? Keith has been passionate about music since he was a small child, singing at the age of four, and learning classic songs like “Everybody’s Talking At Me” and “Where Do You Go To My Lovely” from his father. His father is also the man who gave him the push (and cab fare) to audition for the Irish singing group Celtic Thunder, that he has been with since its very beginning in 2007 and continues to sing and write songs for to this day. As if that wasn’t enough Harkin is also signed with Verve, put out his debut self titled album in 2012, which he wrote several songs for, and even managed to do a solo tour across America last spring. Just thinking of all the work this man does makes me tired 😉146111721168That smile though12391610158615421550edit1364Dave Bakey, a badass guitar player and all around great guy, was supposed to accompany Keith, but unfortunately he fell sick and couldn’t make it. So not wanting Dave to miss out on some of the fun Keith gave him a call that way we could all tell him how much we love him. Too sweet.1244The man sings his heart out!15491165Sassy face 😉1273Even though he was super busy needing to pack up and hit the road he stuck around to talk to fans and sign merch…and even take a pic with little sis and I. What a guy!
16151616Regardless of your personal taste in music I can guarantee you will enjoy the musical stylings of Mr Harkin. Keep up to date with Keith through Celtic Thunder his official website and/or through his various social media platforms

PS the holidays are fast approaching and nothing could make a better gift than Keith’s self titled album which can be purchased anywhere you find music really, but here are some links through Celtic Thunder Amazon and Barnes and Noble

Hope you all enjoyed this post and that you have a wonderful Wednesday!

Music Recommendation: Bottle Cap Rockets

If you’re anything like me you’re always on the hunt for some new music to listen to. I especially search for good rockabilly bands, I cannot get enough of the stuff and let me tell you The Bottle Cap Rockets are “The Stuff” of Rockabilly. Strong vocals, killer bass, clever lyrics, and that constant driving guitar that will get you dancing whether you want to or not.Who else is guilty of dancing in their car and getting caught by other drivers? Hopefully it’s not just me 😉bottle cap rocketsCan we talk about how cool these cats are?

The Bottle Cap Rockets consists of Alan Gross on lead vocals/guitar, Chris Wolfer recruiting bassist/back up vocals, and different drummers are brought in to form a trio for shows. 

al gross

Alan Gross

chris wolferChris Wolfer. *All photos were taken from The Bottle Cap Rockets Facebook page and website. I do not own them*

The band is based out of Ringwood NJ and since forming back in 2010 has released their first album First Seven which is available on itunes, amazon, and cd baby, performed with the likes of The Ultra Kings, Crash Gordon with Debra Dynamite on vocals, and Nikki Hill. Opened for Eric Lindell at Mexicali Live in Teaneck NJ, and plan to release their second album Go Ape sometime early 2014.

Even if you’re not necessarily a fan of rockabilly you will like this band, they have a good mix of that classic rockabilly sound people like me will want, but they’re not a “time capsule” band. You can definitely hear the influences of Elvis, Roy Orbison, and Eddy Cochrin. Yet there is still something new and fresh offered with their tunes. So I highly suggest you check em out and let me know what you think! Hope all enjoyed this post and found a new band to listen to. Cheers!

Jake Shimabukuro Concert.

On Sunday night I had the great pleasure of attending the Jake Shimabukuro at The Kessler concert with my family. We had first heard of Jake through a PBS special and we were instantly captivated by this incredible musician. Jake grew up in Hawaii and began playing the ukulele from a very young age, as the years went by and Jake grew up he found himself inspired by “Guitar heros”. While at a Van Halen concert he couldn’t help but feel “that’s what an ukulele concert should be like” this lead him to experiment with different styles of playing resulting in the amazing sound he has now, mixing the traditional Hawaiian with classic rock and roll guitar riffs, and let me tell you I never knew that someone could shred on a ukulele like that! The variety of styles of music Jake can play on one ukulele is truly something incredible to behold! If you ever have the opportunity to see Mr Shimabukuro you must seize the day and buy those tickets, you are in for such a treat.

61396327614362416163Like I said…the man can shred!

6222614062536066618262356202I hope you all enjoyed my pictures, and that you all check Jake out the man is the stuff of musical legends! Have a very happy Tuesday.

Ronnie Fauss and JD McPherson Concert.

Last Thursday I had the great pleasure of seeing Ronnie Fauss and JD McPherson in concert. The show had sold out, but since the original venue was outdoors (The Belmont) and it had been raining all day, it was moved to The Kessler, well a change of venues and a change of plans meant I was going to be able to have an incredible night full of music, dancing, and of course some concert photography, this is me we’re talking about afterall.

First act was Ronnie Fauss. Admittedly my expectations are never really high to opening acts…I’ve heard some great ones and I have heard some real doozies, much to my delight Ronnie was fabulous! He is a Dallas based singer songwriter who draws influences from John Prine and Steve Earle. His music ranges from moody “bad boy country” to upbeat storytelling country. You can check out his page here and if you have to opportunity to see him you should!

92459222925592309219 Then JD McPherson took the stage. JD McPherson has something for everyone, honestly if you have the ability to hear I cannot comprehend you not liking these guys. There style is a mix of the kind of music they like, Rock n Roll, Rhythm and blues, rockabilly, etc. JD’s current album Signs and Signifiers is the perfect blend of old and new and shows the true artistry of these incredible musicians! You can find out more about the band here

9564Almost as soon as they hit the stage people were out front just ready to start dancing, and oh boy did they dance! Seriously if you ever have the opportunity to see these guys DO NOT HESITATE! BUY THOSE TICKETS! You will not be sorry you did. I have been to my share of concerts and these guys are the best band I have ever seen!

9339Jimmy Sutton kills it on the bass!

9308Ray is a mad man on the keys! I’m pretty sure his hands move at the speed of light!

9483JD is just a rock star I mean really.

9395Doug is a phenomenal saxophone player!

9525Jason is an incredible drummer, I have no idea how he does it!

94529375I love how JD and Jason are basically making the same face.

9383946494359521 Love the way this shot turned out.

93549394949595049399943295399561 I had the most amazing time and cannot express how wonderful these guys are, just do yourself a favor and go see them. Hope you all liked the pictures Happy Wednesday.

Keith Harkin Concert Pictures

Okay so I am finally posting this blog, sorry for the delay but there were a lot of pictures to go through, story of my life… Anyway I had the pleasure of seeing Keith again on Saturday. Now one might think that after seeing someone a few times it wouldn’t be as fun, exciting, or whatever positive adjective you care to use, but I must say I enjoyed myself just as much maybe even more than previous shows. Not only is Keith an incredible musician but so are the guys he is with, David Bakey is a phenomenal guitar player, and Barry Kerr is quite the jack of all trades, playing wind instruments, vocals, and the mandolin. I could yammer on and on about what a fabulous time I had, but I am sure you would all rather just see the photographs, so here they are.

David BakeyDave Bakey


Barry Kerr

-130Keith Harkin

The BandThe Band

-100This may be one of the most infectious smiles I have ever seen. 🙂

-196-692-701-657679Gorgeous McPherson guitar!

-501-231-637-316-659what a smirk!

-361-310-513-495-559-62895To say it was a great concert would be an understatement, on top of getting to hear the guys rock out, I managed to get my picture taken with Keith even though the guys had a long bit of driving to do afterwards, talk about someone who is great to their fans.

715If you have the opportunity to see Keith perform do not hesitate, buy those tickets it may be one of the best purchases you make all year 😉

Here is a link to some of Keith’s tour dates check em out and see if he’s playing near you

I hope you all enjoyed this post and that you all have a Happy Tuesday.







Sneak Peek Keith Harkin Concert Pictures.

Well folks as always I took way too many pictures, so just in case I don’t have the blog post up as quick as we all would prefer, I figured I could at least give one shot to hold you over til then 😉